If your business depends on website traffic, then you know how important it is to be consistently producing content that your audience is interested in, content that informs and educates.
Small business owners and solo-preneurs often wonder, “What should I write about that’s relevant to my market?” “What do my followers want to know about?”
If you too are finding it hard to come up with ideas for producing relevant and useful articles or videos for your market, read on. [Read more…]
Question: What Do You Want?
I am close to opening a new group coaching program that will help you start or transition your business online, including setting up a strong presence and helping you promote your teaching or training business to your market authentically and effectively. [Read more…]
How To Share Files and Folders Using Google Drive For Collaborative Work
Want to work on a project with your team without emailing back and forth? How about sharing large files without attaching them to emails?
Google provides free cloud based storage which you can use for sharing documents and collaborative work in real time.
If you want to know how you can share files and documents using Google Drive, we have a video tutorial just for you here.