Time To Get Over That Urgent Issue – Now
So school is over and summer is here. That means half the year has gone by.
While most businesses go through a slower time, this is the BEST time for you to prepare for the fall and beyond.
How about video recording your lesson plan? Or try using your iPhone (or Android) to video tape yourself as you deliver a lesson?
Something is telling me you want to put this aside…
I could be offering you all kinds of services right now (we just launched 2 new lines of services and it is getting us a lot of coverage and buzz!) but I really want to help you get to the most urgent question “brewing” in your mind now…
Click To See More …
Archives for 2013
Why You Need YouTube Videos For Your Promotion And Marketing
Video Marketing
Did you know that YouTube is the second biggest Search Engine and every month 800 million unique people visit YouTube and consume 4 billion hours of videos?
Raise you hand if you have not watched a YouTube video.
Didn’t think I see any hands. But has anyone seen YOUR videos yet? Some people are not drawn to read blogs or chatting on Facebook but they will turn to Video when they want to look for information or be entertained.
Well ranking Videos on YouTube Will Get You:
Click Here For Full Post…
Facebook Etiquette For Professionals
Facebook Etiquette For Professionals
Medical Associations and Councils around the world have very tight guidelines for professionals using Media. This is to protect medical staff and patients. But since the explosion of Facebook, professionals have jumped onto the platform without taking note of Facebook’s terms of use nor the industry’s code of ethics.
It is with these in mind that I was approached to write the article “Etiquette of Using Facebook for Medical Professionals” published by the Singapore National Heart Center.
Universal Principles The principles I shared in the article are based on fundamentals that apply to all professionals. Every industry upholds codes of ethics (whether you are a Coach, Trainer, Therapist, Teacher or Chiropractor). And every social platform has its own unwritten rules or etiquettes.
New Facebook Cover Photo Guidelines: Time To Take Action

Facebook Updates on Cover Page Photo
Good news! Facebook relaxes its rules for cover page photo. You can now invite actions and put up clear contact details. However you do need to take note of a new guideline that limits the amount of text you can have on your cover image.
If you have been too busy to notice these changes, here’s a short video that’ll show you what has changed, what can be done and what to avoid doing. Not abiding by Facebook’s rule can be costly so take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the changes and stay in the know.
New Facebook Cover Photo Guidelines
This Video shows the new guidelines
Facebook As A Marketing Tool For Small Businesses
If you are not familiar with using Facebook for your business yet, here are three free videos that will give you a good head start. Jumping in to explore is great but if you do not want to risk wasting time or effort, you’ll want to do it the right way. Check out Important Facebook Tips For Business Building Here.
Smart Facebook For Busy Business Builders
Busy business owners want to use Facebook and get results. If you don’t have a lot of time or resources you want to use Facebook without the frills. This set of videos show you how to use Facebook effectively. You don’t need any technical knowledge, Facebook Apps or paid advertisements. This set of videos are for those who want to abide by Facebook’s guidelines and use it smartly to get results.
If you have any questions, just leave us a comment below or get in touch!
Update: Since 1st July 2013, this 20% text rule has been excluded from Facebook cover photo guideline.
Photo credit: pshab, Flickr
Grow Your Practice – Reach Out To An Explosive Online Market
Grow Your Practice – Reach Out To An Explosive Online Market
Reach More Prospects, Help More People
Whether you are a private tutor or a business owner, reaching more prospects allows you to help more people.
But where are these people and how do you find them?
They Are Actively Searching For Your Service Online
We have 2.5 billion people on the internet doing 3.3 billion Google searches every day. In addition to that 2 billion YouTube searches and 1 billion Facebook searches are done daily.
These people are actively looking for information or solutions to their problems. And they are checking out service providers and vendors before they engage their services.
Online Learning And New Skills Required For Trainers And Facilitators
eLearning And What That Means For Trainers, Teachers and Facilitators
While Face-to-Face Training is still preferred by some, eLearning or Digital Learning has been identified as one of the top 10 trends in Enterprise Learning and Talent Management.
Online courses has been used by independent coaches as well as institutions helping many learn new skills and start new ventures. It is making learning accessible to anyone who is motivated to learn.
Today even elite Universities are offering online courses using the Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) model. Coursera, Udacity and EdX partner with universities to deliver free courses to online learners.
Schools and colleges too are also using learning management systems to host and conduct courses. Some school teachers are encouraging students to watch recorded video lessons before class so they can come together for discussions or Q&As (sometimes referred to as a flipped or inverted class). It is a trend that will only accelerate as more people appreciate the mobility and flexibility that online learning offers.
I was recently interviewed on a national TV program and discussed elearning, the next wave in education:
- How that affects Trainers and Facilitators
- What are some skills they will need in order to adapt to this change
Have A Better Backup Plan Or Risk Losing It All
What’s Your Data Back Up Plan? We’ve reached the last week of March and it’s going to be a short week for some of us. Planned your short break over the weekend yet?
I will be doing some spring cleaning this weekend (referring to my data and folders) as my external hard drive crashed just recently (my heart almost stopped beating).
I am hoping to recover some of the data (awaiting analysis from the data recovery center) so I can start re-organising my files and folders.
Which Social Media Platform Should I Be On?
Three Things For A Successful Business Set Up
It’s Friday! And Spring Break is here. Seen any Easter Eggs around town yet?
We had our web training this morning (my morning) and one question that came up a few times was, “so which social media platform should I be on?”
A: Who Do You Want To Serve?
Depending on who your ideal clients are and where they like to hang out, you may want to set up your accounts on these platforms as well. Each of these platforms has her own characteristics and attracts a different group of people. [Read more…]
Free Webinar: 3 Pillars For Starting Any Successful Business
3 Pillars For A Successful Business Set Up
I’m holding a web presentation on Wednesday 20th March 8pm US ET. You can use this link to check for your local time here. This is brand new training based on queries we’ve received.
As you probably already know, not many start-ups are successful. Even less survive past the first year. There are 3 things you must put in place if you want a successful business that is set up for growth.
If you have been thinking about doing business online, you’ll find this training helpful.
Register For Free Training Here …
Register For Free Training Here …
If you watch any Kung Fu movie, you will notice that these Wu Shu masters spend the most amount of time perfecting the basic stances. They don’t start kicking and flying but spend time getting the foundation right so the steps and forms that follow will be built on solid footings.
You can’t talk of strategies unless you have the ability to carry out the strategies. Straight forward, right? Yet too often, too many want to go straight to the strategies. As with learning Kung Fu, there are no short-cuts nor magic pills for building healthy businesses.
However, you can shorten the learning curve and avoid pitfalls, if you follow proven practices based on years of experience by those who have been there and done that.
I can share with you valuable tips learned from my experience and that of my colleagues. Tips that can cut short your learning curve and bring you success in a shorter time.
Got An Idea and Want To Set Up Your Own Business?
If you already have a successful online business, then this is probably not for you.
If you have an idea of the kind of business you want to do but are not sure how to go about doing it or if you have just started doing some online business but want to build it on a solid and firm foundation, then this is just the thing for you.
There is no hype nor fluff in this one-hour online web presentation. And if you are looking for some get-rich-quick-schemes you’ll probably be very disappointed. But if you want to lay a solid foundationn for a business that is built for success and here to stay then check out this presentation.
But Setting A Solid Foundation With These 3 Pillars For Sustainable Business
The Essentials. I’ll talk about the essentials you must have in place for your business. There are articles and posts on the latest tech tools you “should” use, the latest social media platforms you need to jump onto or even ground breaking “strategies”.
These are great, and they have a place. However, they work in conjunction with and in relation to other moving parts of your business. So before we lay the bricks, let’s talk about getting the basics right.
I have decided to do this training for Free. So that’s one hurdle less for you.
But in order for me to send you details of the web training, you need to register here
I have booked limited conference lines for this call so register now while it’s still fresh on your mind.
In the mean time, if you have any additional questions or would like to learn more about starting up an online presence or increasing your online visibility, just contact us and we will be in touch. You can find out more about our services here.
Photo Credit
Building Online Credibility And Authority With LinkedIn
Authenticity and Credibility
Two Key Factors Very Important to prospects and clients. Some people are weary of who they meet online and rightly so. It is therefore important that you show yourself as an authentic and professional Online in order to attract prospects and clients.
How do you do that?
Set up a LinkedIn Account. You want a presence on this professional platform.
1 – Photo. On your LinkedIn Profile put up a recent professional photo. I have seen creative photos or photos of people carrying their child or pet. These don’t work well on LinkedIn. Not having a photo does not work either.
People like to know who they are dealing with, they like to have a face behind the screen. If you have a happy photo that shows you up as approachable and professional, put that up on your profile – that is the first thing anyone will see.
2 – Start Collecting Endorsement and Testimonials. When you have done a good job, do not be shy to reach out to your students or parents of the students or the manager of the organization you work with and ask for an endorsement or recommendations.
On LinkedIn this is powerful, because recommendations are given with the person’s real identity and it cannot be written or composed by the receiver – the way it is sometimes done on websites.
These comments are perceived to be more genuine and they are attached to a real person whose background you can check up on line.
How To Endorse Skills On LinkedIn?
A – The person would need to have a LinkedIn account.
B – She would need to be connected to you.
C – She needs to click on the yellow “Endorse” button for a skill that she wants to endorse you for (as shown in the diagram above). This pops up when your profile is viewed.
How To Recommend Someone On LinkedIn?
In order o Recommend you your student would need to scroll down toward the end of your profile and look for the Section with the world Recommendations (as shown in the diagram below).
She would need to write a sentence or two to describe what she is recommending you for, in what capacity she is giving that recommendation and so on. LinkedIn will guide her in writing the comment and once that is done, they can send that to you for “approval“. By approving this recommendation will show up on your profile. Otherwise it will not.
As you build your online authority and credibility, you will eventually be seen as the expert in your field and people will come to seek out your service.
In the next week or so I will be talking about other important things you must have and do if you were to start your own business. Watch this space.
What is your favorite way of building online credibility and authority? Leave us your comments below or get in touch if you have any additional questions.