Something’s not working on you computer.
You want to describe what you see to your technical support team but she’s not getting it.
If only you can show her what you see on YOUR screen. [Read more…]
Something’s not working on you computer.
You want to describe what you see to your technical support team but she’s not getting it.
If only you can show her what you see on YOUR screen. [Read more…]
You find answers on YouTube, the second largest search engine after Google.
But YouTube Is owned by Google.
Search on these two platforms and you’ll get answers to almost every question. [Read more…]
Using the internet to promote your business?
Who isn’t?
So you put up a Facebook Fan Page and a website. Perhaps you also set up more social media accounts. And you wait.
Nothing happens. [Read more…]
You want to deliver online classes but wonder if you can find free tools online.
You’ve come to the right place. I have a list of completely free tools that you can use for conducting interactive, real-time video conferencing classes and workshops.
You can download the checklist of free tools below to help you get ready for your online teaching business, from preparing contract to delivering and recording classes. [Read more…]
Ever wonder how you can promote your business without being a pushy marketer?
Just Be Yourself.
This post from Google Plus shows you what great marketing skills you already have as an trainer, coach or educator. [Read more…]
Louisa is an Author, Content Strategist, Coach and Trainer. She helps you build rewarding businesses so you have the time to serve bigger purposes.
Get in touch anytime if you would like to find out more about having public or in-house corporate training or for for coaching for online teaching or content creation.