Just came off a web training where we discussed how to focus on the social medial sites that are right for your business. If you did not register for the event, you can register to get the replay here. But Hurry, the replay will be taken down on 5th Dec!
I have some practical resources for you this week. And I hope you’ll try at least one of these this week.
New way of looking at a talked about topic.
How can you introduce new ways of approaching your content?
Stress Relief Tips From Around The World (using images)
Use Infograph to convey your message, it can be about anything!
How can you use Infograph for your business, LMT?
50 Incredible Facts About Skin
OK, It’s Kinda Of Techie, But These Simple Little Things Helps
And Know That Social And Content Will Give Weight To SEO
Top 5 SEO Projections for 2013
Business Building Mindset
New Leadership Skills
If You Are Running Your Own Business You Are A Leader!
3 Keys Leaders Can Use to See the Future
Do Leaders Fail? Do They See Their Failure?
See What You Can Gain By Learning From Mistakes
Leadership lessons in how to fail well
Don’t Like Doing Sales? But We Are All Selling!
Just Be Smarter And Better At Selling. Here’s How
Sales Lessons From The Mercedes Benz Factory
Used Mikogo before they started charging. Good Platform.
What Web Conference Tool Do You Use?
Mikogo Ranked 2nd Best in Web Conferencing Market
[I have not commercial interest in referring this link.
I am not connected to Mikogo in any affiliation.]
Got something cool you want to share? Just send those in. We can also feature your business success and see what’s working for you right now!
If you find these tips helpful and would like to also receive them as they are released as well as other training and tutorial you can leave your name and email in the box below and we’ll make sure you get your those as well.
Archives for November 2012
Protected: Grow Your Wellness Private Practice
Louisa Chan Chats With Dr Alan Teh
Social Media For Medical And Wellness Practitioners
Social Networking Sites are great places for people with common interests to connect and share information, knowledge and experiences.
However, some doctors and medical professionals in Malaysia have stayed away from Social Media for various reasons.
In this interview, Louisa chats with Dr Alan Teh to find out:
- How Local Medical Practitioners And The Public Are Using Social Media
- The Challenges Faced
- How These Are Addressed
Whether you are a Medical or Wellness Practitioner or just a laymen this is an interview you won’t want to miss.
To Receive The Audio Chat Just Leave Your Details Here:
Dr Alan Teh is a Hematology and Stem Cell Transplantation specialist from Kuala Lumpur. An Associate Professor and the Current Vice-President Malaysian Society of Hematology and Co-Chair of the National Blood and Marrow Transplant Recipients.
photo credit: proimos
[Free Training] Grow Your Wellness Practice More Effectively
I hosted a free training session and shared on how you can prepare and position your private wellness practice for faster and more effective growth.
You Can Register To Listen To The Replay Here
You don’t want to be working hard, doing the same thing and not getting the results you want. You deserve better than that!
Too many moving parts in running a business? Been there!
Knowing where to put your focus and how to use available resources can bring home the cha-ching!
If You Want to Watch The Presentation Click Here!
If you have particular challenges you are facing, you can send in your questions via the comment section below or post them to the Facebook Page and I’ll try to address those too. Looking forward to hearing your feedback on the presentation.
Wait. Did I tell you that this is free? But because I need to send you a link to join me on the call. you’ll need to leave me your email address. Join me and get ready for expansion next year?
Once you register, you will be given access to it. This will be taking this event down in a week. So watch this now before it is taken down.
Photo Credit: FlyWheel
Resources & Tips: Nov 16 2012
New Facebook Features: Get Notifications.
How’s preparation for Thanksgiving coming along? Recipes and holiday plans all set?
Next week will be a busy week and Small Business Saturday is just around the corner! If you are a small business owner and need some online work done (Website, Pinterest, Facebook or LinkedIn etc) just reply to this mail and we’ll be in touch with our special rates – just for small businesses.
Lots of changes on Facebook and Pinterest since my latest tutorial. I’ll be doing some updates so you can tap into the latest features. If you have a special preference let me know!
1 – Pinterest Launched Business Pages
2 – Is Instagram on the Web Worth It for Your Business?
3 – AmEx Ties Up with Location Based Offers For Holidays
4 – Does Google Really Prefer Responsive Mobile Sites?
5 – 7 E-Commerce Errors to Correct by Cyber Monday
6 – Sell With An Irresistible Offer [Podcast]
Business Building Mindset
1 – Secrets of High Achieving Small Businesses
2 – The Best Measurement For Success: Happiness
Holiday Special
1 – The 12 Online Scams of Christmas [INFOGRAPHIC]
If you find these tips helpful and would like to also receive them as they are released as well as other training and tutorial you can leave your name and email in the box below and we’ll make sure you get your those as well.
Happy Diwali and Awal Muharram
Happy Diwali and Awal Muharram.
We have 2 public holidays this week and I like to take this opportunity to wish my Hindu and Malay friends A Happy New Year. You see, the New Year started for the Hindus with Diwali. And tomorrow my Malay friends will be celebration their New Year with Awal Muharram.
So Diwali or Deepavali is the Festival of Lights. We have the usual spring cleaning, the welcoming of the new and the celebration of good over evil.
Wait. Did I just touch on ethics here?
But Diwali is the celebration of light over darkness; of good over evil. And that is true for businesses as it is true in personal life.
Businesses are run by people. Businesses shine and attract clients just as leaders do. But Nobody wants to have anything to do with businesses that hide behind the veil of darkness or those that do not honor goodness, however these are defined.
I don’t think I know of anyone who is completely good or evil. And nobody starts out wanting to be evil. But we make choices all the time that could be categorized as good or evil. And if we give in to darkness just a little bit too often, that may become a habit which will lead to the beginning of the end of our business (and lives).
So what does choosing good over evil mean in the context of your business? I’ll start with the obvious (but still neglected sometimes). Feel free to add to the list. This is a very long list so I won’t include everything here.
Choose Good
1 – Add Value, and contribute. Play nice and be Professional. Business transactions need to provide a win-win situation for both parties. Taking advantage of others is at the extreme dark end.
2 – Be Authentic, upfront and true. No need to hide behind anonymity or vagueness. Be proud of who you are and what you stand for.
3 – Mean What You Say and Follow Through. Let your words carry weight. Let your “Yes” be “Yes”. There was no need for contracts in the olden days. These days, contracts are sometimes signed and yet not honored.
4 – Respect and Honor Others and Their Time. Show up on time and deliver on time. The “I am on the way now” story and the last minute “something urgent just happened and I had to reschedule” will not leave a positive impression. You lose the respect of others when you do not respect your own words.
5 – Respect Others and Honor Their Space That means not making decisions on others’ behalf. The light of your wisdom and experience will attract others to you. Compelling and forcing will only push them further away.
6 – Be Considerate. Appreciate and Reciprocate.
7 – Acknowledge and Take Action. How else do businesses expect to win deals or build relationships? If they do not respond to quires and issues or leave them unresolved?
8 – Your turn! Leave your version at the comments below …
More Than 50 Shades Of Grey
There could potentially be more than 50 shades of grey. But some things are really straight forward when you get down to the root. The underlying principle I think is “Love and Respect”.
Happy Diwali. May your light shines ever brighter and your business flourishes in the New Year!
photo credit almostinfamous
Resources & Tips: Nov 9 2012

Website Mistakes, SEO, Google+ Local Pages, Mobile Marketing Tool and more…
Welcome to another edition of great resource for growing your business online.
I just came off the phone chatting with a well established medical specialist who has started a wave of social connection in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I’ll be putting up the audio file so you can listen in on our conversation. Watch this space!
This week, I am going full steam with preparation for new training workshops [including one on mobile marketing] as companies race to utilize their training fund before the year ends. We also renewed contracts with clients for another year of service, talked about new areas of growth with strategy sessions, email marketing and content development.
If you like help with your online marketing, contact us and we can discuss ways where we can offload some of your work and help you get more results.
Verified you Pinterest account yet? This week, Pinterest rolled out Secret Board and Instagram rolled out web profile. Instagram started out with the users’ mobile experience in mind and only introduced web profile today. Think Mobile. Mobile is Huge.
They almost skipped the entire web experience. With the new web profile Instagram is still mobile centric; you still can’t upload photos via the web. If you like to have your site mobile friendly, let us know.
This week I picked articles that discussed website, SEO, Geo Local Searches as well as something on Mobile Marketing. If you come across helpful articles just send those in and we’ll publish them here as well!
1 – Losing Customers Because of These 5 Small Business Website Mistakes?
2 – How to Optimize Your Site for Search Without Actually Doing SEO
3 – Google Starts Shutting Down Its City Pages, Shifts To Google+ Local
4 – Six mobile marketing tools fit for small and local businesses
5 – Now You Can Sell Products Via Instagram, With Chirpifys
6 – Why Most Social Strategies Fail
Business Building Mindset
1 – 8 Things Remarkably Successful People Do
2 – Thick Skin Thinking: How To Use Negative Feedback To Your Advantage
1 – Be Happier: 10 Things to Stop Doing Right Now
If you find these tips helpful and would like to also receive them as they are released as well as other training and tutorial you can leave your name and email in the box below and we’ll make sure you get your those as well.
photo credit stuckincustom
Mobile Marketing Too Important To Be Ignored For Your Business
Mobile Users Surpassing Desktop Users by 2014
We have a global population of 7 billion people with 5.9 billion of them on mobile phones;1.2 billion of these are accessing the web through their mobile phones [figures varies slightly depending on time and scope of survey].
In the US, 46% of adults have smart phones with two thirds of them connecting to the net via their phones.
In case you are wondering, mobile web subscriptions out numbered fixed line broad band subscriptions by 2:1 in the US. Mobile is not going away but will only gain momentum.
What Do People Use Their Phones For?
People have their mobile device within easy reach all day long 24/7. They use it to read news, check email, send text (and read) messages, take photoes, pin pictures, do IMs, Facetime and chats. And oh sometimes, they use their mobile phones to make calls.
47% use it for searches for local stores; where to eat, shop or look for services they need. They do these on the go. It is not surprising that 20% of all Google Searches are now reported to be done on mobile devices. Light bulb moment?
If they find your site on their phone but it does not give them a pleasant experience; they will leave. And they are not likely to come back again. The perception of your brand has been affected by their mobile experiences.
Do You Know What Their Experiences Are Like? Your market Is:
– using small hand help devices with tiny screens
– using different models with different sizes
– using relatively expensive data plans
– don’t have both hands free as they are on the go
– probably rushing along and only scanning their phones
How Mobile Ready Are Businesses?
Although 72% of mobile users say it’s important to them that websites are mobile-friendly, 96% have visited sites that do not work well on their devices. In fact half of small local businesses still do not have a web presence (web site). 26% of them have some sort of mobile friendly site and less than 14% have mobile sites.
So How Do You Get Mobile Ready?
– Get an app? Native or web?
– Get a mobile site? Or should you just have a mobile friendly site?
– Get some QR code and put them on your products, avatar or stationary?
Let me just say here that it is not about the gadget you use as it is about the strategy that caters to the users’ total mobile experience. I have scanned QR codes that took me to sites that do not show up on my phone. I have also received lots of spam text messages which does nothing to attract me to the brand but pushes me away.
Want to find out more about getting Mobile Ready, Stay tuned …
Related posts on Mobile Marketing
Infograph credit: Hua Marketing, Trinity Digital Marketing
Resources & Tips: Nov 2 2012
Your Weekly Brief: Business Building Resources and Tips
Officially entering the end-of-the-year festive season! Sealed a new deal and am preparing for more training; a certification course in marketing in the making.
How are you keeping? To East Coast friends, do keep safe! It’s been raining every day here and I’m turning to warm soup and hot tea.
I have some good news to share with small business owners this week. Pay Pal announces financing options and Pinterest rolled out Verified Accounts. And you may have noticed a new profile look on LinkedIn. Full scoop below.
I learn a lot from these articles and am going to make use of the new features offered by service providers. I hope you’ll find these helpful too.
Social Media and Marketing
LinkedIn Launches New Profiles
10 Things Every Small-Business Website Needs
6 Dos & Don’ts For Better Content Marketing
Only 5% Of Search Advertisers Follow Mobile Best Practices
Pinterest Updates: Pinterest Verified Account &Etiquette
101 Ways to Market a Home Business
Business Building Mindset and Skills
PayPal Offers Small Business Simple Financing Option
Your Sales Credibility Will Be Demolished If You Do This
Mindfulness Helps You Become a Better Leader
The Darker Your Surrounding, The Brighter Your Light
That’s all for now folks! Send in your success stories or interesting articles and we’ll share them here as well.
Photo credit: nifwlseirff
Pinterest Updates: Pinterest Verified Account, Terms and Etiquette
Updates For Pinterest Users
Are you using Pinterest for your marketing?
If not, you may want to check it out. It is a great medium for visual marketing and it can help generate traffic as well as link juice for your business.
If you are already a Pinterest user then here are a few recent updates that you will want to know about.
Pinterest Verified Account
Pinterest now allows you to have verified ownership of your account. It links your Pinterest account with your top level domain (your website) as shown in the diagram below.
With that you now have your full web address on your Pinterest “Profile Page” – with a clickable link to your website. A very useful way for others to find out more about you and your services.
This is great. Besides allowing others to check you out online it provides a direct and live link to your website. This is way better than just having them link to your Facebook or Twitter accounts. Talk about for cross promotion!
How To Verify Your Pinterest Account?
Pinterest provides very detailed instructions on how you can do that so I won’t repeat it here. You can refer to resources here.
When your account is successfully verified, a red check mark will appear right next to your web address (as shown above).
If you don’t see this on your profile account yet, don’t worry. It is being rolled out in stages.
Reporting On Pinterest
If you find inappropriate pins or if you feel uncomfortable with some users, you can report either the pins or the person to Pinterest.
To do that you will need to go to the person’s profile page. To the right of the photo you will now see a little flag.
When you hover over the flag you will see options for reporting as well as blocking.
As you can see from the diagram here, there are different reasons why you may want to report this to Pinterest.
Obviously, any comments or images that are “deemed to be hateful, violent, harmful, abusive, racially or ethnically offensive, defamatory, etc.” are not to be encouraged. Pictures relating to “harm, death, disability or disfigurement to yourself, other people or animals are also prohibited”.
Blocking On Pinterest
There is also an option to block out people at the bottom section. Blocking a person will disable the person from re-pinning, liking or commenting on your pins.
However, the person will not be notified that you have blocked him – until he realizes that he cannot seem to respond to your pins.
Pinterest is fast gaining momentum as a social media platform. Use it wisely and within its terms and let it be another marketing channel working for you. Be respectful and observe online etiquette. Seeking short term gain while spamming will only put your account at risk.
If you like to have more tips on using Pinterest, here’s a guide that explains what Pinterest is and how you can make use of it.
photo credit: iconfinder