How To Unhide Facebook Timeline Page Hidden Posts
Have you received messages from people asking you if you have seen their posts on your Facebook Timeline Wall?
A few people contacted me and asked if I have seen their posts and I have not. I later found out that these posts have been sent to the Facebook spam folder; a little like how emails sometimes end up in spam folders.
If you are the Adminstrator of the page, you can see what else have been sent to the spam folder. On the new Facebook Timeline format it takes a little effort to find where this spam folder is.
Here’s a short 2-minute “How To” Video Tutorial on Facebook to show you where to look for missing or hidden posts on your new Facebook Timeline wall. I will also highlight options you have for managing these posts.
So grab a cup of coffee or tea, sit back and enjoy. If you find quite a number of hidden posts in that folder.
How To Look For Missing Posts On Facebook Timeline Page
The original video on YouTube here
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Where have all the posts gone? They’ve gone to the spam folder! Here’s how to recover hidden posts(or manage them).