You may be aware that LinkedIn has members in 200 countries and supports up to 24 languages on its platform.
No, it does not translate your primary profile into 23 other languages.
But if you are fluent in another language, you could set up your profile in that language. [Read more…]
Archives for October 2015
Weekend Reflection: Being Authentic Does Not Depend On The Responses You Get 16th Oct 2015
To attract savvy prospects, marketers today have to up their game and be helpful instead of just pushing salsy messages.
They are also expected to be authentic in their dealings.
There’s a definite shift from businesses being self-serving to being more client-centric.
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Weekend Reflection: From Dreams to Reality 9th Oct 2015
Do you
Dream about visions,
Discuss them or
Make them happen?
Weekend Reflection:
Everyone has dreams and visions, beautiful ones too.
There’s talks about making these dreams come true.
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Weekend Reflection: Focus and Complete 2nd Oct 2015
Ready to throw in the towel?
You are not the first. And you won’t be the last.
Many have traveled down the road of entrepreneurship (or discipleship) and given up half way.
It’s a road filled with uncertainties and adventures.
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