Should you or shouldn’t you?
Do you go ahead first and say sorry later if that’s required? Or do you inquire first so you don’t offend others?
Ask for permission first or forgiveness later?
Does it surprise you that random people will send you promotional material and end the email with “you are receiving this because we both belong to the same LinkedIn group…”
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Archives for July 2015
What's the best way to generate income online?
What’s the best way to generate income online?
Your job’s demanding and you’re tempted to venture into online business.
So should you join an MLM and sell products online? It seems they provide the content for marketing and may even give you a website.
Or should you sell someone else’s digital products as an affiliate?
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Weekend Reflection: LinkedIn Publishing Not Advertising 24th July 2015
So LinkedIn allows its members to publish long form articles on the platform now.
Yet what I see looks more like blatant advertisement with promotional links.
Does it matter? After all, this seems like a nice place to advertise upcoming training workshops and other promotions.
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Are You Starting Your Own Online Teaching Business?
Mention online training and you may still be greeted by a frown.
Some individuals, SMEs, and Corporations still view this as a less preferred way of learning.
Yet, according to research done by the Ambient Insights, Asia is projected to have the highest growth rate for eLearning, aka online learning (see figure below).
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Weekend Reflection: Opt In Form Not Contact Form 17th July 2015
A contact-us form may look like an email opt-in form. But they are not the same even though they both require your name and email.
This may be obvious but it’s a question I regularly get.
So how are these different? And do we need both?
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Weekend Reflection: Started Today
A year from now, you’ll wish you had started today.”
A year will pass by very quickly.
Don’t believe me? Blink and summer’s over. Blink again and it’s Thanksgiving time.
Everyday that you hold onto an idea and not execute …
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Weekend Reflection: Start Where You Are July 3rd 2015
You see the potential of starting your online teaching / coaching business but have not done much with the idea for months.
The little voice inside your head tells you that you don’t have the time nor the ability to do this.
You also don’t have clarity on where your strength lies or what your focus should be.
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