How often are you interrupted in a day? I am not referring to visitors dropping in to pay you unannounced visits, or the little ones wanting to play with you since you work from home. I am referring to the flood of emails, phone calls and text messages that bombard you throughout the day.
While increasing workload and tighter deadlines, you try to cramp all you need to do in the little time you have. Office workers and entrepreneurs alike start doing what mothers do so well – they multi-task.
Multitasking has become a workplace buzzword as blackberry and ipod push mainstream culture into a 24/7 stand by lifestyle. So much so that you begin to feel uncomfortable and out of touch if you are without your gadgets for a few hours.
Well, I have news for you. Your brain can only make one decision at a time. As you multi-task your brain is not handling all the tasks at once, it is switching back and forth between tasks. The constant effort means that doing even just two or three things at once puts far more demand on our brains compared with if we did them one after another.
This is what multi-tasking does to you:
Reduces your intelligence – A study carried out at the British Institute of Psychiatry found that excessive use of technology reduced workers’ intelligence and that those distracted by incoming e-mail and phone calls saw a ten-point fall in their IQ, over twice the impact of smoking or marijuana use.
Pretty scary huh?
Wastes your time – Another study reports that the American worker wastes 2.1 hours per day due to multitasking. When distracted while performing a task, it takes time to get yourself into the context of the new task and complete the new task. And then it takes recovery time to get back on track with the original task.
Compromises productivity – multitasking makes us less effective, not more. Your digital assistants are tools don’t serve them. Do not allow them to break your focus. That task switch takes up a longer time. It is easier to keep going once the juice is flowing and you are going at full steam than to abruptly stop and do something unrelated and re orientate to finish up the original later. That may take 3 times as long to do the same amount of work because now you have to retrieve all your background information and bring it back to the consciousness of your mind.
Introduces health risks – When you go back and forth between browsing the Internet to talking on a cell phone, you are using different parts of your brain. The mental processes involved in switching tasks takes up time and effort. It tires you out easily.
You get overwhelmed, mental burnout, anxiety and this may to depression. You need more time to get the same amount of work done and that taxes your brain switching between tasks. The quality of the work suffers and you do not get the sense of achievement. You know you can do better work but multi-tasking has robbed you of performing at your best. Another form of work related stress.
Lowers the threshold of distractibility -The fast paced multi tasking culture is pushing you to be more easily distractible and less able to focus over sustained periods of time. Just how often you look at your blackberry? You are almost anticipating the next alert; your mind is not really concentrating on the task at hand. And you continue to program yourself to expect to be distracted.
What can we do about this?
Turn off your email alerts, tweet deck, blackberry, facebook chats, RSS feeds and maybe even your phone when you are doing creative work.
Then check your in box and voice mails at schedule times. Try that for a couple of days and see if it allows you to be more efficient.
Focus on the present; one task at a time. I can not emphasize this enough. Less is really more. Mono is really better than multi in this case.
Try this especially if you suffer attention deficits disorder.
Chunk your time – schedule what you need to do into chunks of time. Do all you related work in one sitting. Take short breaks in between that uses different parts of the brain. Better still get out of your chair and do some physical movements. Break the state and then proceed to the next task. This way, you make sure all you need to do will be attended to and you will get more done in shorter time with better results – gotta love that productivity.
Practice having quiet moments in your day, whether it is morning, lunch time or just before you retire to bed. Some quiet meditation and deep breathing will quiet your mind and help you regain focus and attention span and set you up for a more focus and successful day.
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Post first published at Abundant Lives Coaching
Archives for 2012
A Slice Of Chinese New Year And Social Networking
Happy Chinese New Year!
5th day of the Chinese New Year and we have 10 more days to go!
I put up a photo of us here – taken on the second day, after mom and sis-in-law cooked a 10-course meal for the entire clan with growing teens and youths.
BTW, every dish has a special meaning as does every day of the Chinese New Year – but I won’t go into that now …
We have reunions, meet-ups and gathering and although it is tiring, I enjoy the time we manage to find to spend together.
This is in-person social networking in very intense time. If you have a big family and lots of friends and contacts; you need to make your rounds within the New Year Period. Kind of a time frame to connect and catch up with friends and family.
And this is one time where people make time to visit and catch up with personal visits and lots of goodies … even though I am getting and sending more New Year greetings using sms and text messages, the personal visits are still “expected”.
Family members fly back from overseas for the great reunion dinner (sometimes referred to as the New Year Eve’s Feast) and feasting literally continues for 15 days as the visits continue.
Many take time off around this period and things are just generally s-l–o—w. So there’s no heavy duty blog post here, but I just want to post a short note to keep in touch.
I am also thrilled to hear from you who share your websites with me during the week. Even more thrilled to know that you time the launching of your new website with the coming of the Year of the Dragon!
I am glad that people are seeing the importance of owning their own blog sites amidst the many social media platforms.
No matter how many social media accounts you have out there, not matter how many followers you have on Twitter or Facebook or Google, you will still want to own your own blog site with your own domain and hosted on your own server (instead of on Facebook or WordPress etc).
Why? Because your self-hosted blog site with your own domain is your only online equity – beside your email database. You maintain ownership and control over the content you post on your own site.
More on that later, watch out for tips coming this way!
By the way, what’s your favorite activities during festive time? My nephews will say X Box time …
How To Make A Mobile Friendly Blogspot Blog Site II
How To Make Your Blogger Blog Site Mobile Friendly?
Do you know if your online visitors are reading your blog posts? One sure way to drive away online visitors is not to show up the way they expect you to when they want you to.
3 seconds is too long
Today many online users are surfing the net with mobile devices and they want your site to load “now”.
We have inherited the ADHD culture and people expect everything to be instant.
If you are a doctor who blogs whether it is about your specialty area or of a hobby, you want to make sure that your content is showing up well on mobile devices.
Why? Simply because more people are consuming your content through mobile devices, smart phones, tablets and eReaders.
Gen Y or Baby Boomers?
Let’s step back for a moment. Who is your target audience? Who are you writing for?
Fellow doctors? New Gen Y Residents and Interns? Seasoned MDs, Fellows, Academicians and Professors (aka baby boomers with thick glasses maybe)?
How many of these are rushing around in their daily job? And when do you think they get a chance to check email or catch up on some articles?
I am picturing residents, interns and those on call and in the ERs. They get to check mails and catch up on surfing when they are waiting in line for their sandwich or when they are catching a few moments of rest at the couch – using their mobile phones.
Your blog posts need to show up fast and fit the little mobile screen with big enough fonts. Your readers eyes are too tired from lack of sleep and hours of documentation to want to squint to make sense of those dancing words.
Here’s the statistics.
90 % of so-called Generation Y users said they use their mobile phones more than desktop or laptop computers to access the Internet and 19% of tablet owners are over 55 by Q2 2011.
So you need to make your blog site mobile friendly (not the self hosted ones on as well as Tumblr and Posterous have default mobile friendly themes when accessed via mobile phones.
In this post, I outline steps you can use to “mobify” your Blogger blogspot sites. Nothing technical, it’s basically going to the right place to activate the mobile friendly theme.
So when you are ready, follow these simple steps.
strong>Step 1:Log into your Blogspot Dashboard and choose “Settings”.
Step 2:From Settings, choose “Email & Mobile”
Step 3: Here, choose “Yes” to show mobile template. You can choose from a few themes and preview them before you save your settings. And that’s it!
If you now view your Blogger site on your mobile phone, it would look like the diagram on the left below instead of appearing like a tiny squished up version of what you see on your lap top or PC.
See the difference?
Cup of Coffee And The Doctor Who Cares?
Now, there are limitations with using Blogger’s Blogspot; the biggest being that you do not own the content on Blogger site (ie your and you are not building your own online professional branding.
I would recommend that you explore hosting your own domain for your blog content (like having so your readers will associate your content and expertise with you on your domain instead of seeing
This will cost you a tiny hole in your pocket but not much more than a cup of coffee a day.
But if you are a casual blogger who writes for hobby then your next best bet is to make your blog site mobile friendly and continue to put great stuff on your blog site!
Post first published on Malaysia Medical Resources.
Related post on mobile friendly sites:
How To Make A Mobile Friendly Blogspot Blog Site
How Does Your Website Show Up On iPhones and iPads (Mobile Phones and Tablets)?
What Causes Progress And Transformation?
What Causes Progress And Transformation?
Happy/Healthy New Year!!
First week of the New Year has just gone by!
So how has this year been different from the last?
How is it going to be different from the last?
During the past 2 weeks I had interesting conversations with friends on projections for 2012.
One thing is for sure: there will be changes, economically and other wise.
Change happens whether you like it or not, whether you are ready for it or not [unfortunately change does not think to ask for your permission before it takes place].
But, transformation and progress do not take place automatically.
And change does not automatically bring about progress nor transformation.
We know that success, progress and transformation do not happen just because it is a New Year. There is nothing magical about the New Year (especially if you lived the last 6 days the same way you did the year before). But magical things can happen if you choose, no, pursue transformation and progress this year.
So what needs to take place in your unique processes or business [and personal life] before you can experience magical transformation and progress in 2012?
What needs to take place for this year to be healthy, productive and fulfilling year?
Love to hear from you.
By the way, United Buddy Bear arrived in Malaysia and I particularly like this one.
It is so Gaudi, so representative of Spain.
How would you want to paint your 2012?
More photoes of Buddy Bear here.
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