This is a short post with links to useful business building and marketing tips that I came across during the week.
Most of the tools are free to use or offer free trials so you can check them out and see how they can help you increase productivity or stay in touch with industry trends.
By the way, this is a quote that Team Louisa likes as it reminds us to do purpose-driven business from the heart and with the heart. [Read more…]
Archives for March 2014
Dig Deeper, Grow Stronger and Thrive
Some things are just not in our control; like the weather. It has not rained in a month.
The haze (smog) is at unhealthy level. And we don’t have enough water in the dam. So Kuala Lumpur is experiencing water rationing.
But the trees are still standing tall and I still hear happy birds chirpping as they come to rest on the branches. [Read more…]
Great Acts Are Made Of Smart, Consistent Small Deeds
This week, I was unable to send out newsletters as the email marketing provider I am using had a major DDOS attack that disrupted their service (and mine).
Security is of fundamental concern.
During the week, I had to leave my glasses with the optometrist for a brief 30 minutes. I had the choice of waiting or run errands (no, not driving without my glasses, just walking). [Read more…]