Using the internet to promote your business?
Who isn’t?
So you put up a Facebook Fan Page and a website. Perhaps you also set up more social media accounts. And you wait.
Nothing happens.
To make use of online media to promote your business, there is one thing you’ll need to pay close attention to.
Your client’s journey.
It’s about locating your ideal client, reaching out and leading him back to home base step by step. It’s very much like finding your favorite group of friends or that special someone.
They are out there, somewhere.
But before you can build a relationship with them, you’ll need to:
- Find him. Then you’ll need to
- Gain his attention and trust (There are 7 billion people on planet Earth)
- Communicate with him (you have common interests …)
- Engage with him (share about stuff, make comments …) and
- Bring him closer into your inner circle (chill, hangout and share more regularly) before you
- Help him understand why he should choose you over someone else
- And you continue to build on that relationship
That looks like a lot of bullet points.
But this is not new to you and you are already doing these everyday, subconsciously.
It’s not very different when you are looking for your ideal clients.
When you are looking for your ideal clients, you’ll first need to:
- Have a strong and credible online presence (website and social media accounts)
- You’ll need to stand out from the rest (or are you drowned in a sea of faces?)
- Be the Jedi Master your potential clients want to learn from
- Discuss topics of interest and share solutions with your potential clients
- Have a special club with special privileges and share more regularly with these members
- Continue to build meaningful relationships until he employs your service
- You deepen that relationship
And that’s how a complete stranger gets onto a journey with your; from being a stranger to being your ambassador.
And all that through things your discuss and share, topics of interest and possible solutions to the challenges your face.
In the online marketing world these topics of discussion is refereed to as content.
It is at the center of every milestone in your client’s journey. Content delivers your message and your voice.
You content defines your business.
Your content drives your business.
Are You Using Content In Your Marketing?
Pushing out sales flyers and event registration pages to strangers (on or offline) has very low return on your time and cost.
This is not efficient especially if you did not have the chance to provide meaningful contact or demonstrate how you can addresses the clients’ needs. You don’t become good friends the first time you meet and certainly not when this person is full of himself.
If at every chance you have you are selling without first giving value or establishing connection with your prospect, you will be driving people away from you very quickly. And you don’t want that to happen.
This journey sounds long and winding.
But there are tested processes, systems and best practices that can help you accelerate the clients’ journey. With the right implementation, you can look forward to building some strong connections leading to business in a shorter time.
Download this free guide here that discusses the 3 essential pillars for building a rewarding business using relevant content for the entire journey. If you need additional support (implementation or advisory), just get in touch.

Image credit: tungphoto
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