New Facebook Features Every So Often
Facebook continues to evolve and test new features. Just recently a few new features were released and I like to share a couple with you – so you can use them immediately and see some results.
Facebook Rolled Out New Event Photo Layout
If you make use of Facebook Pages to promote your business you will be happy to know that Facebook is paying more attention to the Event feature and its visual display. See image below.
The new Event Photo is 714 by 264 pixels (at the time I wrote this) and takes the top center position of an event. This gives you much more space to display a banner-like photo to promote your event. The old image was given much less exposure, measuring 180 x 185 pixels and the image was placed on the left of the event.
Thumbnail: Facebook will create a thumbnail of your event when it is shared or when this is viewed on your mobile devices (see image below).
And if you also share the event on your timeline (personal account) a thumbnail will also be shown on the Event application at the top of your profile page.
Fix For Facebook Bug To Be Rolled Out When It Is Ready Facebook announced in March 2012 that not all fans will see your posts all the time. This has generated some fierce debate in the community. While some complained (and still do), others went ahead and made the most of various cost effective Facebook advertisements.
More good news for you. Just recently Facebook admitted that a bug has caused Facebook Insights to be misreported, leading many to think that their posts reached far fewer people than they actually did. So if you are a Page owner, your total reach might have been more than what you thought.
We don’t know when the fix will be rolled out, but we do know that developers have admitted the issue are working on a fix.
Set A Solid Facebook Page Foundation
As you can see Facebook is changing all the time with new features introduced almost every week. To capitalize on these new features, it is important that you keep abreast of the changes. This is something I try to include these in my regular newsletter to you.
And it is even more important that you set up your Facebook Page correctly. Not building your Facebook Page the correct way will cost you dearly and implementing new features will not help.
I have a digital course on Facebook that helps you set up or optimize you Facebook page, what you Need to do and what you do Not want to do. I also outline how you can tap into the new Timeline Features using visuals to tell a story.
Here To Get The Facebook For Business Professionals
The course is still at an introductory fee. I am not sure how long I will keep the product at the introductory price. If you would like to a Facebook course that gives you important tips that are absolutely necessary, a course that walks you through only what you need to know (and not the frills) then get the course here before the price goes up!
Sign up now while you still remember and we’ll talk soon! By Louisa YS Chan