Social Media Training And Workshops In Kuala Lumpur
As more businesses accepts social media into main stream marketing, the questions raised are shifting from “What is Social Media?” and “Why Social Media?” to “How to use Social Media?” and more recently “How to use QR Codes?”
Businesses are ready to embrace and implement this additional marketing channel to help boost awareness and sales!
So where do you find training on these topics? A simple Google search will bring back many different options both, off line and online. You may have a hard time trying to decide which event or training to attend.
3 Questions to consider before signing up for any Social Media Training.
1 – Know the results you want at the end of the Training – do you want an overview covering the different platforms and how they can feed off each other? Or do you want to focus only on one area and be good, really really good at that one platform only?
2 – Know the content and structure of the Training you are signing up for – do you know what topics will be covered and how lessons will be delivered? It is going to be some intensive 2-day crash course and you may not be able to appreciate, understand nor absorb? Or will it be taking you through step-by-step over a period of time with opportunity to take action and implement as you learn?
3 – Know the approach (marketing, business and training) of the Training Provider – is it going to game and manipulate the system with “killer” tactics and automated tools? Will the training teach you how to “crush it” and give you tens of thousands of followers or some short term results? Or does it work with sound fundamentals and principles of a sustaining business model?
The last one is particularly important. Although it is natural that anyone would want results, you want to make quite sure that the kind of approach introduced builds from the foundation, is ethical, not spammy and produces results that may sometimes be slow but builds over time and gathers momentum for sustainable growth.
You may have heard that Google has been rolling out changes to its search engine algorithm and has been cracking down on sites that do not have genuine quality content. The emphasis is on quality content and transparency. Google Panda is at work.
If you subscribe to tactics that manipulate the system through loop holes then don’t be surprised to find your site de-indexed by Google or your fake or multiple Facebook Accounts shut down.
So do check out the different workshops by
– Attending training previews and
– Talking to those who have taken the course
– Getting to know the Trainers and the approach they use
– Opting into their lists and observe their approaches before you make any big moves
Although technology is rapidly changing, the fundamentals of doing business do not change overnight. To build a solid Social Media Marketing Campaign, start with the fundamentals and work with the system. Unfortunately there is no short cuts or silver bullets.
Training Provides who deliver on what they promise and provide value with transparency will draw a crowd of loyal followers. These will stand out from those who are here for short term quick results.
As you begin to us Social Media Marketing for your business you will need to be equipped with new knowledge and skills. And you will want to enroll into credible Social Media Training and Workshops to give you a good solid head start.
Watch this space as we will be releasing a professional Social Media Training that will take you from newbie to an action learner with sustainable results to show.
Louisa Chan – Make social media work for you!
In the Malay language we say “Akan Datang”. Stay Tuned!