Slides and presentations.
Something that you use everyday as a trainer, teacher or speaker.
Today, you have one more reason to use Slideshare.
Slideshare has a user base of 60 million users and it allows you to upload presentation slides, pdfs, and videos.
All the slides you have prepared for the various speaking engagements can now be put to good use. With a little tweaking, they can appeal to an entirely new set of audience.
If you are not using Slideshare, you need to check it out now.
The presentations here can be posted to LinkedIn and stay on your profile (Slideshare has been bought by LinkedIn). So now your content is not only on Slideshare but is also on LinkedIn.
Just few days ago, Haiku Deck has announced that you can now create HaikuDeck presentation from within Slideshare.
If you intend to use text based presentation, then this is not a big deal. But if you want to use visuals to retell your story, then this will help you create nice looking visual presentation faster.
Within Haiku Deck there are ready made templates and graphics that you can use. Fonts and layouts are also available. And if you like, you can always upload your own images.
I’ve tried using Haiku Deck to re-purpose one of my post and this is what I have:
We know that some people prefer visuals to reading the details. With this, you can easily turn your blog post into visuals, And you now have a visual representation that tells the same story, from slightly different angle. Great for distributing additional content to a different channel.
However, at this moment, there are still a couple of things I hope Haiku Deck will improve upon:
- Allow links in their images – this will be great for call-to-actions
- Allow different aspect ratio for the template (at the moment it is only 4:3) – this will allow great story boarding for YouTube video creation.
Nevertheless, it is a tool I suggest you explore. Time to dig out your latest lesson and turn these into presentations slides. Do you think you will use this? Love to hear your thoughts.
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