So did you enjoy your 12-12-12 Celebration? We did. We went to the newly refurbished yet rustic Majestic Hotel in Kuala Lumpur.
And we are wrapping up the 12-12-12 December Insiders’ specials for my subscribers.
I want to thank the subscriber who wrote in about how she intends to use the new course on “Setting up your own web address“.
Indeed you can go through the videos and have a more informed conversation with your webmaster. Ask to see if your site has taken into account the things we talked about in the videos The more you understand, the more you have control over the results you want.
End of the year is coming upon us and this week I have resources that tell us trends in 2013 and what we can learn from 2012. Ready?
Unnatural SEO And Over Optimizing Your Website Can Hurt
But you want your site to show up on searches to bring your traffic …
Here’s How to Optimize Your Site for Search Without Actually Doing SEO
Still Thinking About What To Give Your Customers This Season?
Try something Practical, Fun, Creative and Interesting and be True.
Tall order?THere Are Some tips
Here’s The 8 Best Social Media Campaigns Of 2012.
Note the 4 platforms chosen and yes Honda is doing well on Pinterest
Have you set up your account yet? Or verified it?
What Would You Focus Your Marketing On In 2013?
Social? Mobile? Video? Local? Some people use the term SoLoMo,
But don’t forget video and visual, hence Synergy Marketing!
2013 Is The Year of Integrated Digital Marketing
What Inspires People To Grab Your Product/Services?
From Cabbage Patch To Wii: The 3 Secrets Behind Christmas Crazes
How do you think you can translate these 3 secrets for your business?
Facebook Is Changing Privacy Controls (again) and it’s bing rolled out.
Here’s Sneak Peak Into What You Want To Pay Attention To
Using Facebook for your business? You need a subscriber-getting page
Get in touch, We can set one up for you with custom apps.
Business Building Mindset
As Holistic Healing Professionals, what would you say to your clients
who needs more exercise but don’t have the time
How About Using Treadmill Desks – They Actually Do Exists!
Feeling Forgetful This Time Of The Year?
Here Are 3 Ways To Improved Your Memory
Great topic to share with your health conscious clients
If you find these tips helpful leave me a comment below or share it. And if you would like to receive them as they are released you can leave your name and email in the box below and we’ll make sure you get your those as well. By Louisa YS Chan
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