Louisa Chan Taking Synergy Marketing Pro On Air
Just sharing this with you as Louisa Chan went on air today [13.12.11] creating awareness for what Medical and Wellness Professionals can and should do to tap into Social Media Marketing.
We talked about the following:
– How Social Media Marketing is impacting local health and wellness professionals.
– What patients are expecting from doctors and wellness providers.
– Why some medical centers still do not have an online or social media presence and
– Practical steps that Health care and Wellness providers can immediately put in place to be more socially accessible to patients.
The audio file is available at the BFM site here or if you prefer, just write in and we will send the file to you.
If you are interested in getting a copy of the audio file, just sign up for our complimentary newsletters. We will send you a link to the recording once that is made available to us.
Oh and I just sent off a mail to my newsletters subscribers about some crazy thing that I’ll be offering exclusively to my subscribers this Thursday.
Details coming via the newsletter on Thursday. Talk to you then!
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