Everyone Can Have A Platform
The Internet provides an enormous and affordable platform for coaches, teachers and trainers to amplify their message using online media.
Businesses too are using content in blog posts, videos and articles to market their products and services.
But before you stand on the platform and blast your message, you’ll want to know how to create content that are interesting to and consumed by your audience.
With so much material being shared online everyday, your message not only needs to stand out and attract attention, it’ll also need to be engaging and useful in addressing a specific need.
Below are three actionable tips you can use.
1. Note What Other Leaders Are Writing About
One great way to get ideas for creating content that is relevant to your market is to observe and listen to their conversations online. Likewise, you can also listen to leaders and influencers in your niche. Pay attention to authorities in your niche market and watch what they write or talk about. Note their unique perspectives on the topics and observe how they bring their messages across.
You’ll notice that not everything they say is totally new. You’ll also notice that the message is often presented from a fresh angle and tailored for a specific segment of an audience. Take note of points that have not been discussed or at least not from the angle that your audience would like.
Pretend you are your market, observe these leaders, watch their videos, listen to their pod casts, or read blog entries and notice gaps or concerns that have not been covered. What would you like to know about that has not been discussed? Chances are if you’re having these concerns so would your market. You can then create content that address these gaps, these questions and concerns.
2. Feel The Pulse Of What’s Happening in Your Niche
Observe changes and trends that affect you and your market. Every week some new online applications are launched, some algorithm or rules are changes or new features introduced. In the online marketing world there isn’t a lack of topic to write about.
At the time I am writing this, LinkedIn is going to retired polls, Pinterest has just introduced guided search (and maybe entering search engine land instead of just a social site for recipes and juices) and Vic Gundotra steps down as Google’s social chief.
Some of these changes leave greater effects while others often become topics of heated discussions and speculations
If your market makes use of online media for traffic or brand awareness then these are topics you could write about. Often people do not know what to make of or how to process the changes. They have questions and are looking for answers as to the impact and effect of these changes.
As you prepare to discuss trends and changes, observe what has been commonly addressed and what concerns have not been covered. Does a topic require more research? Or does it require more testing? You don’t have to agree with everyone else is saying about these changes (you probably won’t) and you will need to have your own stand about the topic, supported by credible sources and facts.
Listening and observing is sometimes neglected in attempts to churn out quick content or to participate in social media conversations. Yet doing these will help you communicate topics of interest that are helpful to your market. This relevance and interest brings them back to your site for more information giving you the chance to have more touch points with them before they turn to be your clients.
What ways are you using now that are working for you?
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