VIP Offer To Louisa’s Subscribers
Set up Website With Your Web Address
Build Online Authority and Get Clients
YES! Louisa please sign me up for the “Setting Up My Own Subscribers-Generating Website” home study course @ $49USD [normally sold at $97USD]. This offer is only valid till 14th December 2012 Midnight US Pacific Time.
I want my website with my own web address and brand my online authority.
I want to have full control of all content at my website.
I want my website to be my marketing assistant attracting me new subscribers everyday
And I want to build a longer term relationship with these subscribers and convert them into new loyal clients who appreciates my expertise.
I understand that I will receive:
At least 4 hours of Video Based Tutorials that walks me through how to setup my new blog/web site so I have my own web address online. I can also use this course to improve my existing site so they bring me new clients.
A module that explains how to integrate my email marketing system with my blog
Another module that explains how to put up Pages and Posts so I attract online readers and show up on searches
I will be able to watch the videos whenever and however many times I want to
Email Support from Louisa herself for 60 days if I have any questions
A 30-Day Guarantee Period if I am not satisfied with the course. I can write in within 30 days of the purchase to Support@SynergyMarketingPro.com and I will get my refund.
PLUS special clients-only early notification of all future product releases.
I am ready to take action now before the 12-12-12 offer expires on 14th December. I want to follow up with visitors and convert them into subscribers and paying clients. I’m looking forward to growing my business with this tutorial, step-by-step Course. Please accept my registration below!
Yes! Louisa, Please Sign Me Up For “Setting Up My Own Subscribers-Generating Website“.
I understand this is a one-time payment of $49USD [normally $97USD] for the digital product which is downloadable WITHOUT Recurring payment. This 50% discount will expire by 14th December 2012 12 Midnight US Pacific and I want to get the course now.
I understand I can use the video training and follow the steps to set up my own business and subscriber base.
I understand that I have 60 days of follow-up with Louisa personally in order to answer questions I may have.
I will put into action what I learn to see results.
I understand that this is an exclusive and limited offer. I’m enrolling at the special rate and I’m aware that future enrollment will have a significantly higher fee.
I also realize I have nothing to lose, since you are offering a 30-day money back guarantee period if I am not satisfied with the course.
However, this is on a first-come-first-served basis. Once the limited spaces are filled, I will not be able to have this exclusive and discounted offer.
This is because Louisa wants to be able to offer a quality level of support to a limited group of action takers.
I have read and understand the terms of this agreement.LINESPACE
Please check your email after you make payment to confirm your purchase and to receive future updates.
To ensure that I can receive future mails from you, I will add emails addresses coming from Synergy Marketing Pro to my contact list.