Getting More Clients and Patients From Pinterest
It’s called Pinterest
That is not a typo, it is the name of the hottest social media buzz in town right now.
It’s called Pinterest and it’s pretty Pinteresting!
Right now the Pinterest audience is mostly female… which is PERFECT for the wellness industry!
Pinterest was first launched in May 2011 and it has grown so rapidly that it now has 11 million users (stats as at January 2012).
According to Techcrunch Pinterest is on track to send more visitors to other websites than Yahoo in August. And that means Pinterest will soon be the 4th largest source of organic traffic in the world, says Shareholic.
Hailed as the fastest growing social media site, it is said to have 7 million unique visitors in December 2011 and is bringing more online visitors than other traffic sources like YouTube, Reddit, Google+ and LinkedIn combined [you read that right]. That is a lot of traffic and that means Pinterest cannot be ignored anymore.
A study posted by Mashable states that Pinterest is second only to Facebook when it comes to user engagement. It is now the number three most popular social network in the US. Users are staying active on the site for an average of 89 minutes. It gets addictive and things that are pinned goes viral pretty fast.
So What Is Pinterest?
Pinterest is the “new” viral image sharing social media site that aims to “connect everyone in the world through the ‘things’ they find interesting” and they seem to be accomplishing that.
People pin what they like onto online virtual boards (called pinboards). And those who like the same kind of things that you like can repin or share the items thus the social and communal aspect of Pinterest. “Like-minded” people come together and share visually appealing photos and videos.
The site has more females than males (some reports says the ratio is about 60/40, others say it is more like 80/20) but in case you think that only recipes and accessories are pinned, big companies like Whole Foods, Ann Taylor, Yale University, Huffington Post, Etsy, NGO, Media, Healthcare are already on Pinterest.
How Can Pinterest Help Chiropractors, Physiotherapists and Massage Therapists? Can yor business use the extra coverage, traffic, new contacts and backlinks? Pinterest can be a great source of clients and awareness for your business. My new 29-page guide “A Beginner’s Guide For Wellness Professionals” shows you step by step from start to finish how wellness professionals can benefit from this new female-led social network.
For a very limited time only the guide A Beginner’s Guide For Wellness Professionals is FREE. Just enter your name and primary email address right below this paragraph and we’ll send it to you immediately.
This report tells you What Pinterest Is, Why You Should Be On It and How To Set Up Your Optimized Pinterest Presence. We also talk about creating a following and optimizing your pins so you attract more clients. Just leave your name and email at the box above for instant access!
photo credit: Diego Cornejo