Smart WordPress Blogging
For Getting Results.
Introductory Offer
YES! Louisa, please sign me up for the “Smart WordPress Blogging For Getting Results For Beginners” home study course.
I want to use WordPress to manage my own site and post quality content the right way to attract new and loyal subscribers who are interested in my expert knowledge and skills.
I understand that:
I’ll learn how to manage my site, upload media file, post to my site, manage comments and spams, manage categories, segment, permalinks, posts and pages etc
I won’t be lost with the step-by-step tutorials
I can refer to 5 Modules of Video Tutorials anytime (totaling 84 minutes in short segments each)
I’ll be introduced to only the essential features and not be overwhelmed
I’ll have eMail Support from Team Louisa for 14 days for questions on the course
14-day Guarantee Period. If I am not satisfied with the course, I can write in within 14 days of the purchase to and get my refund.
PLUS special clients-only early notification of all future product releases.
I am ready to follow up with visitors and leads to convert them into subscribers and paying clients.
I’m looking forward to the tutorials and step-by-step guide from the Smart WordPress Blogging For Getting Results. Please accept my registration below. Click to Buy Here