BFM Interviews Louisa Chan On Growing Heart-Based Businesses
In a recent Radio Interview with BFM Radio Louisa, a well-established Business Coach and Trainer talks about building sustaining, heart-centered businesses that you can be proud of, so you have the time and resources to do greater works and serve a higher purpose.
The intervew is based on Louisa’s ebook “3 Essential Pillars For Growing An Authentic Heart-Centered Business“.
Some questions discussed during the interview include the following:
– Why Did I Write This eBook?
– What Is Authentic Heart-Centered Business?
– Why Is Authentic Heart-Centered Business Important?
– How Can You Set Up A Heart-Centered Business?
– What Are The 3 Pillars Of Authentic Heart-Centered Businesses?
– What’s The Next Step For Those Who Want To Startup Heart-Based Businesses?
If you’d like to have a copy of the ebook (it’s free) or if you need anything else, just get in touch via